
By default the plugin will download all entries, and that's probably what 99% of the people using this plugin want. The normal export function of Gravity Forms on the other hand has a filter GUI, so this plugin should at least do the same. But because the plugin revolves around a URL, it works a bit different. Let me show you.

Retrieve one entry

You can add ?entry=<id> to download a single entry for that form.

Filtering by date range

When you want to limit the results by date, you can use the GUI in the settings page. This is the only part that I've duplicated for filtering (so far). So you just select two dates, and press download. You can also add this filtering to the url, by adding querystring parameters.

Just add ?start_date=YYYY-MM-DD&end_date=YYYY-MM-DD to the url, and the entries will be filtered between those dates.

Filtering by field value

  • All field filters are added to the url within the ?filter= querystring parameter.
  • A filter is made up of 3 parts. <field>:<operator>:<value>. However, operator and value are optional.
  • When no operator and no value are provided, we just check if the field is not empty.
  • When no operator is provided, we assume =. So <field>:<value> equals: <field>:=:<value>.
  • More fields are added by adding a semi-colon ; and adding another filter.

Some examples:

  • ?filter=1 makes sure field 1 is not empty.
  • ?filter=1:pancake makes sure field 1 equals pancake.
  • ?filter=1:contains:cake make sure field 1 contains at least the value of cake.
  • ?filter=1:pancake;2:honey make sure field 1 equals pancake and field 2 equals honey.

Multipart fields

Some fields, like Name and Address, have multiple input fields. These are not easily read from the GUI. I usually dig into the source code to figure them out. if you do know them you can target them by adding a dot . between the field id, and the sub input. Something like ?filter=2.2:contains:street should work perfectly.


The operators you can use are: <, >, =, >=, <=, <>, contains, is, is not, in and not in.

For in and not in you can provide multiple comma-separated values. Like ?filter=1:in:bread,pancake.

Also note that url's should have escaped values. a & will not work because this will break the filter querystring.


The plugin uses the internal API for filtering that Gravity Forms provides. If you feel like you are not getting the correct results, you should try the normal export function and see the results. It's most likely the same. Therefore any issues regarding this filtering should be made aware to Gravity Forms.