
Gravity Forms' default export isn't always consistent or useful for Excel. That's why we've created this class. It is responsible for these fields: singleproduct and calculation. Both of them are products, and the export returns a quantity and a price. And when you export with separated fields, there's no problem. But when you want all that info in one field, it's kind of mushed together. So this field tries to offer you a nice default, as well as a filter to overwrite it.


  • gfexcel_field_*type*_prepend_{form_id}_{input_id} In this filter, the *type* part should be replace by either singleproduct or calculation. It gives you the ability to prepend the value of the individual data, like Qty and Price.


    add_filter('gfexcel_field_singleproduct_prepend', function($prepend, $input_id) {
       // $input_id is the id of the input in the field, so not the field_id
       if($input_id === 3) { // 3 happens to be the key for Quantity, `Qty: ` by default. 
           $prepend = "Amount: ";
       return $prepend;
    }, 10, 2);